Saturday, September 12, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake is a character owned by American Greetings, originally used in cards and expanded to include dolls,posters, and other products. The Strawberry Shortcake properties also include a toy line of the character's friends and pets.
A little revamping took place at the characters' relaunch. Both Pupcake and Custard now belong to Strawberry Shortcake. In Pupcake's place, a new pet, Shoofly Frog, was introduced as Huckleberry Pie's pet, and Apple Dumplin' was relaunched as Strawberry Shortcake's sister. Also, Strawberryland is now divided into "districts" like Cakewalk, Orange Blossom Acres, Huckleberry Briar and Cookie Corners.

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